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Finally enjoy walking again with the medical Swiss air cushion shoe

Buy kybun shoes Success stories

Dancing without pain

Daniela Bäder is a dance teacher and suffers from Morton's neuroma, an inflammation of the nerves in the foot

An operation seemed to be the only way to alleviate her pain. But the 52-year-old Swiss dancer is now pain-free and can teach her dance students with joy - even without an operation! It was an air cushion shoe that enabled her to walk again without pain. Initially, she doubted the shoe's suitability for dancing, but it is now her constant companion. She wears it for dancing, hiking and even at home like a slipper.

A proactive solution

Advantages and effects of kybun

  • Activates the leg and venous circulation
  • Strengthens your feet, legs and muscles
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Promotes better posture
  • Reduces fatigue

Save on healthcare costs

Stefan Venzin battled against his severe hip and back pain

A colleague told him about the air cushion shoe from kybun. Thanks to the special sole, Venzin is now completely pain-free and no longer even needs painkillers. His wife Ursula has also had good experiences with the elastic, springy sole.

Hiking without pain

At the age of 60, Richard Boden realised that his knees were swollen after a long hike and ached the next day.

For his personal goal of completing the St James' Way, he opted for the Swiss air cushion shoe. "During my last training hikes and the St James' Way itself, I walked exactly 1030 km, 1,422,507 steps and arrived in Finisterre without blisters, with feet in perfect condition and without any knee pain. And all this without taking a single painkiller or anti-inflammatory. To say that I am delighted with my kybun shoes would be an understatement. They really have been fantastic!" says Richard enthusiastically.