Payment / Countries eligible for delivery
Accepted methods of payment
We currently offer the following payment options:

Countries eligible for delivery
- Belgien / Belgium
- Bulgarien / Bulgaria
- Kroatien / Croatia
- Cypern / Cyprus
- Finnland / Finland
- Frankreich / France
- Dänemark / Denmark
- Estland / Estonia
- Deutschland / Germany
- Guernsey / Bailiwick of Guernsey
- Griechenland / Greece
- Vatikanstadt / Holy See (Vatican City State)
- Ungarn / Hungary
- Irland / Ireland
- Italien / Italy
- Jersey / Bailiwick of Jersey
- Lettland / Latvia
- Litauen / Lithuania
- Luxemburg / Luxembourg
- Malta / Republic of Malta
- Niederlande / Netherlands
- Österreich / Austria
- Polen / Poland
- Portugal
- Rumänien / Romania
- San Marino / Republic of San Marino
- Slowakei / Slowakei
- Slowenien / Slovenia
- Schweden / Sweden
- Spanien / Spain
- Tschechien / Czech Republic